Benn, Britz

In early 2021, we installed and opened our library in BENN Britz, Berlin.


We work in cooperation with the BENN-Britz Berlin on our mission to bring books and completely equipped libraries, educational sources, workshops and artistic materials to the communities they serve.

This multilingual library serves over 120 kids that are living in community accommodation there, many of whom are refugees and have little access to books in German or their own language.

At a glance


120+ kids

That’s a lot of little imaginations!

500+ books

We want to foster a love of reading and learning, so all our projects begin with books.


We’re so grateful for all the donations we receive. We couldn’t do it without your support!

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Image from iOS (1).jpg

Read more about BENN Britz on our blog.


Make a donation.


If you’d like to help our kids in Freidrichsagen to enjoy more books and events, you can help out with a donation.
